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(用户)的故事是什么? (What’s the (user) story?)

User stories are simple, yet extremely powerful constructs: they describe pieces of functionality from a user’s point of view, expressed in a solid, compact way. They reflect what a particular class of user needs and the value to be gained. The format is very simple and easy to use. There are several variations, including:

用户故事是简单而又功能强大的结构:它们从用户的角度描述功能的各个部分 ,并以紧凑,紧凑的方式表示。 它们反映 可以得到的一类特殊的用户需求价值 。 该格式非常简单易用。 有几种变体,包括:

As a <role or persona>, I can <goal/need> so that <why>”

作为 <角色或角色>,我可以 <目标/需要>, 以便 <为什么>”

Or, in another instance:


“As a <particular class of user>, I want to <be able to perform/do something> so that <I get some form of value or benefit>”

“作为 <特定的用户类别>, 我希望 <能够执行/执行某项操作>, 以便 <我得到某种形式的价值或收益>”

为什么要使用用户故事? (Why user stories?)

User stories provide an excellent way to define your product with clarity. A set of well-defined, prioritized user stories can help you articulate the functionality of your product using ‘plain English’ — with no technicalities and implementation details.

用户故事提供了一种清晰定义产品的绝妙方法 。 一组定义明确的优先级用户案例可以帮助您使用“普通英语”表达产品的功能-无需任何技术和实现细节。

The ‘user story’ approach empowers meaningful product discussions, both within the product development team and with external stakeholders.


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Properly written user stories provide a solid basis for communication and collaboration — focusing on what matters most to the user. Compared to other means of capturing and documenting user requirements and product specification, they have at least the following advantages:

正确编写的用户故事为交流和协作奠定了坚实的基础-着重于对用户最重要的方面 。 与捕获和记录用户需求和产品规格的其他方法相比,它们至少具有以下优点:

  1. User stories help to achieve cross-team clarity on what to build, for whom, why, and when. Since they are easy to define, understand, and revise, they can become the standard way to communicate and summarize the functionality of the product by both technical and non-technical members. They are extremely useful for product scope discussions or as entry points for technical deep-dives. They are key elements of agile engineering.

    用户案例有助于使跨团队清晰了解要构建什么为谁为什么以及何时构建。 由于它们易于定义,理解和修改,因此它们可以成为技术人员和非技术人员交流和总结产品功能的标准方法。 它们对于产品范围的讨论或作为技术深层次的切入点非常有用。 他们 是敏捷工程的关键要素。

  2. User stories encourage participation by non-technical members. Modern software projects are typically complex, involving a wide range of technologies, acronyms, and implementation options. In many cases, the terminology or the technical language is not commonly understood — even within a single team — thus introducing ‘noise’ and risks to the project. User stories remove this technical dimension, so any member of the team can contribute, simply by thinking as a user. The team can use non-technical language and effectively collaborate in defining, challenging or prioritizing user stories. The impact on collaboration and team dynamics can be significant.

    用户故事鼓励非技术人员参与 。 现代软件项目通常很复杂,涉及各种技术,首字母缩写词和实现选项。 在许多情况下,即使是在一个团队中,术语或技术语言也不是普遍理解的,因此会给项目带来“噪音”和风险。 用户故事消除了这一技术层面,因此团队中的任何成员都可以通过以用户的身份思考来做出贡献。 团队可以使用非技术性语言,并可以有效地协作来定义挑战确定用户故事的优先级 。 对协作和团队动态的影响可能很大。

  3. They help in defining the entire product — as a set of solid, wisely-prioritized stories. The product development team can think big, define the super-set of user stories, and then assign priorities (which reflect the expected value for the user, complexity, dependencies and other business priorities). You don’t have to make hard-decisions and flag items as ‘out of scope’. Instead, you can assign lower priority to those ‘crazy’ ideas, while moving up the user stories reflecting the core functionality of your product. Defining the ‘cut lines’ which determine the scope for each iteration, phase or version, is then a matter of the resources available and the velocity of the team.

    他们帮助 定义整个产品时 -作为一组扎实,明智的故事。 产品开发团队可以大胆思考,定义用户故事的超级集,然后分配优先级 (这反映了用户的期望值,复杂性,依赖性和其他业务优先级)。 您不必做出硬性决定并将项目标记为“超出范围”。 相反,您可以为那些“疯狂”的想法分配较低的优先级,同时提高反映您产品核心功能的用户故事。 定义“切割线”决定每次迭代,阶段或版本的范围,这取决于可用资源团队速度

撰写出色的用户故事 (Writing Great User Stories)

The format is straightforward, and writing stories is easy. But writing great ones might be a bit tricky. Here are some guidelines to consider:

格式简单明了,编写故事很容易。 但是写出出色的作品可能会有些棘手。 以下是一些要考虑的准则:

用户故事≠任务 (User stories ≠ tasks)

User stories are not tasks. In fact, a single story may need hundreds of single tasks to be successfully delivered. Tasks are about implementation; user stories are about definition.

用户故事不是任务。 实际上,单个故事可能需要数百个单个任务才能成功交付。 任务与执行有关; 用户故事是关于定义的

When compiling your stories, focus on providing clarity about your product features — the what, not the how.


保持高水平 (Stay high-level)

You need to be high-level, but also accurate and to-the-point. Stories must be simple and solid. This will help team members and stakeholders deeply understand the user needs, and avoid spending time clarifying buzzwords, terminology, and acronyms. Just use simple and accurate language.

您需要高水平,但也要准确一点。 故事必须简单而扎实 这将帮助团队成员和利益相关者深入了解用户需求,避免花时间澄清流行语,术语和首字母缩写词。 只需使用简单准确的语言即可。

了解用户 (Understand the users)

You need to discover and study the real users of your product — capture their profiles, points of view, expectations, and the associated ‘pain points.’ User research and other techniques can generate insights to help you better understand the users and their needs.

您需要发现和研究产品的真实用户 -捕获他们的个人资料,观点,期望以及相关的“痛点”。 用户研究和其他技术可以产生见解,以帮助您更好地了解用户及其需求。

No matter the techniques, you need the set of key users — ideally in the form of personas — before you start compiling user stories.


作为用户思考 (Think as a User)

The <as a particular class of user/ persona /role> part of a user story, defines the angle, the perspective — how the particular user perceives the functionality summarized in the story.

用户故事的<作为用户/角色/角色的特定类别 >部分定义了角度,视角-特定用户如何感知故事中概述的功能。

This is of critical importance — the product owner and the entire team need to think from a user’s point of view and understand the underlying needs and the expected value.


想大 (Think Big)

When describing a product as a backlog of user stories, there is no good reason to constraint your thinking by budget, time, feasibility or cost.


A good practice is to think big and let ‘crazy’ user stories enter the backlog. The administrative overhead of maintaining an extended product backlog is small; the value deriving from it — in terms of product clarity, vision and opportunities — is massive.

好的做法是大胆思考 并让“疯狂的”用户故事输入积压。 维持扩展产品积压的管理开销很小; 从产品的清晰度,愿景和机会方面,从中获得的价值是巨大的。

使用史诗 (Use Epics)

Epics can take the form of higher-level stories, which describe large pieces of functionality — they typically require a significant amount of work, across multiple sprints. Another way to think of epics is as groupings/ containers of related, smaller stories, all serving a common goal. Epics are good for organizing your stories and providing the big picture.

史诗可以采取高层故事的形式,描述大量功能-它们通常需要跨多个sprint进行大量工作。 另一种思考史诗的方法是将相关的较小故事进行分组/容纳,以达到共同的目标。 史诗非常适合整理您的故事并提供大图景。

不要放弃-优先处理 (Don’t Discard — Prioritize instead)

Given an effective prioritization process, it is good practice to keep enriching your product backlog with new user stories, describing new user interaction scenarios, ‘random ideas,’ or the output of product innovation activities.


To manage the potential noise, you need to properly group and prioritize the new entries. In any case, do not filter out/discard items from your backlog: de-scoped items are usually forgotten, while de-prioritized items remain discoverable and can become relevant under the right conditions.

要管理潜在的噪声 ,您需要对新条目进行正确分组并确定优先级。 无论如何,请不要从积压的订单中过滤掉/丢弃掉项目:通常会忘记范围外的项目,而优先级较高的项目仍然可以发现,并且可以在适当的条件下变得相关。

Depending on the context, prioritizing user stories can be a tricky process. You need to estimate the value of each story, for the user and for the business. You need to size the complexity, estimate the feasibility and the cost/effort required to build and release the feature. You need to identify cross-dependencies in your backlog — enforcing specific ordering between certain entries.

根据上下文,优先考虑用户故事 可能是一个棘手的过程。 您需要为用户和企业估算每个故事的价值。 您需要确定复杂性的大小,估算可行性以及构建和发布功能所需的成本/精力。 您需要在积压中确定交叉依赖关系,从而在某些条目之间执行特定的排序。

成功的基础-不仅仅是接受 (Setup for Success — not just Acceptance)

Teams often define user acceptance tests and related acceptance criteria. Acceptance though is not enough — you need to set up for success. As a product manager, you need more than a confirmation that ‘it works as it should’ or ‘according to the specs.’

团队通常会定义用户验收测试和相关的验收标准。 但是, 接受还远远不够-您需要为成功做好准备 作为产品经理,您不仅需要确认“按其应有的作用”或“符合规范”。

You need metrics which are also linked to direct user feedback, capturing how happy and engaged your real users are. While acceptance is good to control the development life-cycle of the feature, success is about mid/long-term impact and value created for real users of your product. You need to define both — at the product and/or epic and/or story level.

您还需要与直接用户反馈相关联的指标,以捕获您的真实用户的满意度和参与度。 接受可以很好地控制功能的开发生命周期,而成功则取决于为产品的实际用户带来的中/长期影响和创造的价值。 您需要在产品和/或史诗和/或故事级别上定义两者。

标记故事,添加元数据 (Tag Stories, add Metadata)

Complex products require hundreds of user stories. For easier navigation and administration, you need to effectively name, categorize and tag your stories. After the first few revisions of a story, you should avoid renaming or drastically changing its description as this might introduce confusion and gaps in the team.

复杂的产品需要数百个用户案例。 为了更轻松地导航和管理,您需要有效地命名,分类和标记故事。 在对故事进行前几次修订之后,您应避免重命名或大幅度更改其描述,因为这可能会给团队造成混乱和空白。

Properly managing the metadata of your stories—status, progress, links, priorities, resources etc. — helps exploring, monitoring, and understanding your backlog.

适当地管理您故事元数据,如故事,进度,链接,优先级,资源等 -帮助您探索,监控和了解您的积压。

不要粘滞便笺! (Don’t Stick to Sticky Notes!)

Yes, a wall full of colorful sticky notes looks fancy and helps your team appear busy and productive :) But you need a serious system and special tools to help you properly manage, enrich, prioritize and share stories.

是的,满是彩色粘滞便笺的墙看起来很漂亮,可以帮助您的团队显得忙碌而富有成效:)但是, 您需要一个认真的系统和专用工具来帮助您正确地管理,充实,确定优先次序并分享故事

In special cases, such as a brainstorming or ideation session, it’s okay to capture the first set of user stories by using sticky notes—provided that you then document all of them into a proper product management system. If you don’t, and you just keep your stories on sticky notes, chances are that you will miss opportunities in terms of clarity, innovation, efficiency, and collaboration.

在特殊情况下(例如,集思广益或构想会议),可以使用粘滞便笺捕获第一组用户故事,前提是您随后将所有这些故事记录在适当的产品管理系统中。 如果您不这样做,而只是将您的故事记在便笺上,则很可能会错过清晰度,创新,效率和协作方面的机会。

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您仍然需要规格 (You Still Need Specs)

Having a prioritized set of well-defined user stories is great, but it’s only the beginning. The team needs to analyze the stories — from a technical point of view — and create the necessary technical artifacts.

优先安排一组定义明确的用户故事是很棒的,但这只是开始。 团队需要从技术角度分析故事,并创建必要的技术工件。

Ideally, stories are mapped with certain sections/documentation that provide all the technical details needed from a software engineering perspective. They provide the entry points for detailed technical specification documents and other detailed artifacts.

理想情况下,将故事与某些部分/文档映射在一起,以提供从软件工程角度来看所需的所有技术细节。 它们提供了详细的技术规范文档和其他详细工件的切入点。

可视化帮助 (Visualization Helps)

An always-on (digital) visualization of the top-priority user stories by category, theme, or epic could be extremely useful for collaboration and alignment among teams and stakeholders. Along with statistics, issues, blockers, and progress indicators, a story map can be served via interactive screens in the collaboration space.

按类别,主题或史诗对最优先用户故事的始终在线(数字化)可视化对于团队和利益相关者之间的协作和协调非常有用。 连同统计信息,问题,阻止程序和进度指示器,可以通过协作空间中的交互式屏幕提供故事地图。

User stories provide a great way to quickly and accurately describe the functionality of a software product or system. They are also very effective in capturing the outputs of brainstorming sessions, design sprints, and other innovation-led processes — where need to be articulated in compact, structured ways.

用户故事提供了一种快速而准确地描述软件产品或系统功能的好方法 。 它们在捕获集思广益会议,设计冲刺, 和其他创新主导的过程的输出方面也非常有效,在这些过程中需要以紧凑,结构化的方式阐明 。

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